The Innocent Hound Blog
Jonathan Moseley and Allegra
Posted by Tracy Morgan on
International Floral Designer and Celebrity Florist Jonathan Moseley shares his passion for dogs and tells us why his 2 year old German Shepherd cross called Allegra is almost as famous as his flowers!
Life is Better with a Dog
Posted by Tracy Morgan on
Life is Better with a Dog. Simply that. They enrich our lives, they bring joy and they come with some of the most powerful health benefits. Dogs help us make those healthy lifestyle changes which have positive impacts on our mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Golden Paste for Dogs
Posted by Tracy Morgan on
There are so many benefits to adding Golden Paste to your dog’s diet and it’s easy to make...but what is it and how do I make it?
Dog Breath? No Thanks!
Posted by Tracy Morgan on
February is Pet Dental Health Month so here are our Top Tips for keeping your dog’s teeth and gums healthy.
Spirulina - Superfood for Dogs?
Posted by Tracy Morgan on
What is Spirulina and why is an active ingredient in our Fine Health Skin and Coat support sausages?